Monday, May 09, 2005

I made it

1500 miles later, I am back in Dallas (just in time for the start of the Mavericks-Suns second round playoff series). I am not looking forward to making that drive again any time soon. I left around 10:30 p.m. Pacific time on Friday night, and after mutiple stops for gas and two overnight stays at roadside motels, I arrived in Dallas around 2 p.m. Central time yesterday.

More surprising than surviving the half-way-across-the-country drive was the fact that I survived the last semester of the year with 18 units during what was supposed to be the hardest semester of a journalism major's 4 years. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy. Actually, the stress got to me around April when the work began to pile up and club volleyball became more intense as nationals got nearer.

This summer should provide a much needed break from the stresses of Los Angeles and USC. I can't wait to be back there because by that time it will be football season, but until then I don't mind taking some time to be back in Dallas.

I've already got a decent job with the same marketing corporation I worked with last year. I have an interview set up for a local radio station and should get the position. I do, however, need to find some time to get in shape if I want to have a shot at making the varsity volleyball team next year - something I didn't do a great job of last summer.

It's amazing to think that I'm half way through my college career. We'll see how the second half of that goes starting next fall, but until then I just plan on relaxing and enjoying my summer.


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